NoT oBsEsSeD?
Big thanks to WUWDS For this page credits go to them
Several sites have signals to show if you are obsessed with
B5, but how do u know if your NOT obsessed?
The Non-Obsessed B5 Fan:
- Is not on the computer all day looking at B5 sites/pictures.
- Doesn't yell @ people for dissing the guys, she is usually the
person swearing the teenies out for acting like idiots.
- Doesn't own every piece of B5 merchandise.
- Has attended 2 or less B5 concerts.
- Won't travel halfway across the world to see them.
- Does not have a room that's covered with B5 pics.
- Thinks it's retarded to scream, "Marry Me!" or "I love you!!" or
"Do Me!" to them.
- Won't go crying when she finds out one of the
guys has a girlfriend
- Hears someone call B5 gay, and just points to Carnell and says
- Is tired of the first B5 CD because they sound too girlish and
- Annoys teenies for fun, since it's hilarious watching them get freaked
out over everything!
- Laughs her head off when people make fun of B5.
- Knows that 'Dustin is feminine' is a matter of fact...not opinion,
in their mind.
- As well as #13, knows that "Kellyis a frog" is also a known
- Wouldn't marry any B5 member if they asked her.
- Doesn't talk about them every minute of the day.
- Doesn't think they're going to marry her.
- Can laugh at humor sites, and not get offended
or pissed off and go talk trash about site makers.
- Doesn't treat the guys like they're God. She'll
treat them like NORMAL people.
- Won't scream or jump up and down when she meets B5, she acts
normal like ya would with any other person.
- Doesn't know EVERY single fact about them.
- Doesn't dream about them.
- Can admit that bryan has little eyes, Dustin is feminine,
Patricks nose is too big, Bryan isn't always "Mr.Wonderful", and Carnell sings with strange expressions on his face.
- Would rather be with her boyfriend than B5.
- Won't kill herself when the guys get girlfriends.
- Won't try to kill their girlfriends.
-Can make fun of Bryan with that whole male PMS and Midol
issue and not be ashamed of herself.
- Hasn't met them, and honestly, doesn't care.
- Doesn't pretend to know them.
- Doesn't freak out when you see them on the TV.
- Likes other types of music besides B5..
- Doesn't even know all their songs.
- Would never be like "Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omgomgomgomg AHHHHHHHH!!
omgomgomgomg omg omg omg omg omg!!" when a B5 member comes out with a new cd or movie.
- Can easily admit that Dustin looks like
a frog, KElly: a monkey, Patrick: a horse, Bryan: an ostrich, and Carnell a girl...without feeling bad.