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How to know ur not obsessed


NoT oBsEsSeD?

Big thanks to WUWDS For this page credits go to them

Several sites have signals to show if you are obsessed with B5, but how do u know if your NOT obsessed?

The Non-Obsessed B5 Fan:

- Is not on the computer all day looking at B5 sites/pictures.

- Doesn't yell @ people for dissing the guys, she is usually the person swearing the teenies out for acting like idiots.

- Doesn't own every piece of B5 merchandise.

- Has attended 2 or less B5 concerts.

- Won't travel halfway across the world to see them.

- Does not have a room that's covered with B5 pics.

- Thinks it's retarded to scream, "Marry Me!" or "I love you!!" or "Do Me!" to them.

- Won't go crying when she finds out one of the guys has a girlfriend

- Hears someone call B5 gay, and just points to Carnell and says "Well...DUH!!!"

- Is tired of the first B5 CD because they sound too girlish and babyish. 

- Annoys teenies for fun, since it's hilarious watching them get freaked out over everything!

 - Laughs her head off when people make fun of B5.

- Knows that 'Dustin is feminine' is a matter of fact...not opinion, in their mind.

- As well as #13, knows that "Kellyis a frog" is also a known fact.

- Wouldn't marry any B5 member if they asked her.

- Doesn't talk about them every minute of the day.

- Doesn't think they're going to marry her.

- Can laugh at humor sites, and not get offended or pissed off and go talk trash about site makers.

- Doesn't treat the guys like they're God. She'll treat them like NORMAL people.

- Won't scream or jump up and down when she meets B5, she acts normal like ya would with any other person.

- Doesn't know EVERY single fact about them.

- Doesn't dream about them.

- Can admit that bryan has little eyes, Dustin is feminine, Patricks nose is too big, Bryan isn't always "Mr.Wonderful", and Carnell sings with strange expressions on his face.

- Would rather be with her boyfriend than B5.

- Won't kill herself when the guys get girlfriends.

- Won't try to kill their girlfriends.

-Can make fun of Bryan with that whole male PMS and Midol issue and not be ashamed of herself.

- Hasn't met them, and honestly, doesn't care.

- Doesn't pretend to know them.

- Doesn't freak out when you see them on the TV. 

- Likes other types of music besides B5..

- Doesn't even know all their songs. 

- Would never be like "Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omgomgomgomg AHHHHHHHH!! omgomgomgomg omg omg omg omg omg!!" when a B5 member comes out with a new cd or movie.

- Can easily admit that Dustin looks like a frog, KElly: a monkey, Patrick: a horse, Bryan: an ostrich, and Carnell a girl...without feeling bad.

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Dang every last one of them is fine